If you look up "Independence Day (United States)" on Wikipedia, you'll learn that this glorious day is associated with cliche and kitsch things such as fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, and so forth. So when your uncle's neighbor in upstate New York comes over to show off his AK-47s and other guns while you're having a bon fire, there is no reason to be surprised. It's simply something that is appropriate for the day. The neighbor brought a total of six guns, along with stories of his time spent in Iraq, and insight on important issues such as keeping your lawn green. I like to think that the holiday spirit was in all of us when a sudden interest was developed in all these subjects. These are the moments that epitomize the proper way of spending the Fourth of July in America, and I'm thankful I was there with my disposable camera in hand, so everyone can now understand how to celebrate this day.